I’d like to think I’m a tough girl. I mean, I have had babies. A mother by definition is tough, right?
Maybe I should admit that I do have a damsel-in-distress side that does counter my tough-cowgirl side, but as tough as I am, its ok that on the cold morning cattle drive I was invited to stay in the warm feed truck. We used the feed truck to lure the cows home. And it worked. It worked GREAT.
It took only a matter of minutes for all of the cows to come running up the hill. Every once in a while they did slow down. But all The Rancher needed to do to get them moving again was to pretend to drop the hay.
I thought I would get a little creative and take some pictures of the cows in the rear view mirror. Ya, that only works of the mirror is clean. I guess that my picture is proof that we are in a REAL ranch truck.