We preg checked the buffalo again. Not because we had to, which is usually why we go preg checking, but because we want to. Are we weird because we want to do more preg checking? I know we are… We are one of those families that enjoy working, so instead of taking a real vacation, we go to my brother’s place to do more work.
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Actually, we didn’t go for the work. I went for the family. I guess if preg checking crazy buffalo is what I have to do to hang out with my family, then I guess that’s worth it. Because I think that my family is pretty awesome.
Let me walk you through that day a little bit…
Yep… there was buffalo. They are ugly and majestic, all at the same time. They are so powerful and terrifying and awe inspiring. In all honesty, I think they are pretty cool but I am so glad that I’m not the one running the place.
Here is my nephew, with pretty sweet hair. He is so funny because although he lives in Washington, he was born in Alabama and he can’t seem to get that thin Alabama blood out of his system. No matter how many northwestern winters he makes it through or how many layers he puts on, the boy can’t stay warm out there. But the cold doesn’t matte when his dad gives him a job to do. He toughs it out anyway!
And then there is The Rancher’s Sidekick, that is there for the fun and the snacks. Good thing the company and work is fun. Funny story about this boy and the licorice… He saw a guy walk over to the fence, dug around in his coat pocket, and pulled out a piece. The guy offered The Rancher’s Sidekick a licorice and he took that as an open invitation to crawl up the fence and have as many pieces of licorice as he wanted. And you guessed it, over the day, my boy ate up the whole package!
Working out in the middle of nowhere may be inconvenient at times, but the view is always worth it.
My other nephew… I can’t believe how fast this boy is growing. I’m not old enough to be an aunt of a teenager, or soon to be. If he had to choose his job for the day, it would be watching the little ones instead of working the stinky buffalo. He has such a big heart and can’t help but love my babies and I love him for it.
My cool oldest brother. When I was teeny tiny, he would go out of his way to hang out with me. He was the cool brother that would help me saddle up to go ride or swing by the house to give me a ride in the wheel barrow. Then when I went to college he still would make the effort to hang out with me. He would drive hours to pick me up so I could spend the weekend out on the ranch with him. In fact, that’s how ended up meeting The Rancher. He did an internship with my brother and I fell in love with him. Yep, my brother’s pretty cool.
The Rancher doing the easy job for once. And by that I simply mean that he was doing someone else’s cattle (buffalo) and had no stake in game. Its almost relieving to not be the boss every once ina while.
My beautiful neices. They’re cool. They’re smart. And they are TOTALLY off limits to any boys that want to take them out. For at least 20 years or so.
This is the set up. They put panels around everywhere because buffalo are crazy. Super crazy so we make sure that our backs are covered…
Apparently The Ranch Princess doesn’t know how to take a serious picture. But that’s ok. Every bit of this picture is her personality and I love it!
Nobody is immune to this cutey. Everyone needs a minute to snuggle a sweet, chubby baby like The Cowboy Kid.
The Rancher took the opportunity to sharpen up his preg checking skills since he had someone to teach him along the way. Buffalo are actually a little easier to check because their back end is narrower and not so deep. But it all translates just fine to cow anatomy terms.
My brother open us the gate so I could catch a picture without the chute in the way. And while, I was taking the picture and looking through the lens and NOT paying attention to what was happening around me, The Rancher came around and scared me. Scared me so bad I screamed and jumped a mile high. Sure the buffalo wasn’t coming after me, but somebody or something was! I still haven’t got him back for that… Hmm… Any ideas?
The little ones… They work the buffalo once a year to cull out the old, sick ones, get the preg checking done, vaccinate everything and then wean out the babies.
The buffalo were stinky and crazy and my fingers were so cold I couldn’t feel them, but the food was great and the people are my favorite so all-in-all, I could call it a great day.