Transitioning into part II requires a little work before the vet can AI. If you recall that during Part I we put in the CIDR, which purpose was to release hormones as well as physically block any semen from entering the uterus. Now that we are ready for them to be bred we need to pull out the CIDR.
Now we are ready to AI
Is a fairly simple process but it will be easier to explain with some pictures I think…
The semen is stored in individual straws that put in a tank that is filled with liquid nitrogen to keep it viable. |
He threads the rod of the AI gun through the cervix and into the uterus. Once it is into the cervix he slowly pushes the plunger which injects the semen into the uterus and then removes the gun. |
And that’s it! The cow is bred and out she goes. I said it is a simple process… simple if you are explaining. The entire time the vet is doing this he can only go by feel and by his grasp of anatomy. You should be impressed at these cowboys… I am!
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