So did I tell you my brother-in-law is getting married? The Buckaroo has found himself a fine little filly and they’ve decided to get hitched! We are so stinking excited! Partly… nope mostly because we are finally getting the gender scale balanced. These boys have lived too long with too little estrogen in the air!
I’vve told these boys that I must approve before get all romantic and thus far they have done well getting me some good sisters. I especially love it when they bring home girls that will get out on the ranch with us. There isn’t much sweeter than a girl out roping the cowboys!!
But back to The Buckaroo and his almost Mrs. Buckaroo… When it came time for their engagement pictures they really wanted pictures done on the ranch, cowboy style. So they called me! We took an evening out through our private range land (the place that actually has a few trees!) and took ourselves some cowboy engagement pictures.