To have the amount of land we need to run the ranch, we live in the middle of nowhere (TMNW). The Rancher would say we GET to, that it’s a privilege. We have the space to ride and play. We can have as big of lawn as we want (or the lawn mower can handle). There aren’t too many neighbors to worry about being quiet for. We get to live life how we choose to! I can agree with him now that I have learned a few tricks to living away from civilization, some that are definitely worth sharing!
Living in TMNW can make life tough, but choosing to make it work makes it all worth it. For us, getting to live where we have the space to do what we love is always worth it, even when I have more milk than I know what to do with!
Thanks for the words of wisdom!
Allison, we have so much in common! I live and hour from "town" so I practice those same things you do! Since my kids are getting older we end up in town once a week for piano lessons, once a week for basketball/football games (during the season), to deliver bulls, etc. We don't even have a kindergarten bus so I have to drive my little one everyday. In fact last week I drove over 700 miles. That's 36,400 miles per year! Good thing I don't always keep that pace! Love you insights!!