DIY Spring Rope Wreath
Now that you have this AWESOME spring rope wreath, go hang it somewhere. Preferably where everyone will see it and love your craftiness. Or just somewhere that needs a little eye appeal. I’m pretty sure that it will look awesome anywhere! And don’t forget to show me!!
Planting a Seed or Two
When we were in college, The Rancher worked for an operation that did just as much (or more) farm work as it did ranch work. The Rancher was always a pretty decent farmer, but after working for the Millers, he turned into a dang good farmer. And every spring that farmer comes out of him when there is a little farm work to do! Maybe these days I should call him The Farmer…
We don’t do a lot of “farm” work to put up the acres and acres of hay or grain. We do it mostly when we rotate our crops. In the fall we will dig up a section of alfalfa that needs replanted or the grain that was alfalfa the year before (does it sound like I’m talking in circles? like crop circles… haha!). Ok… we dig up the alfalfa, plant grain, harvest the grain, dig up the grain, and plant new alfalfa. Phew…
Anyway, we dig, or plow, up in the fall so it is ready for planting in the spring.
Now that it is spring, they have pulled out farming equipment, starting with the roller harrow. The roller harrow is used to break up the clumps and make the ground ready for the seed. It also has a drag behind it to get rid of any weeds or such that we don’t want left in. Once the harrowing is done, we are pretty well ready to plant.
Just a few weeks ago we picked up the seed (one of those things we had to catch up on…). The nice sunny weather was a good indicator that is was finally time to plant, but when The Rancher hooked up to the drill (the planter) I knew it was the day. The day to plant a seed or two!
Planting is one of those ranch things we do with a little faith and little prayer. We want to plant as early as possible to get a good start to the crops. If we have to replant again in the spring we lose valuable growing time. We won’t really know if everything went right with the planting for a few weeks when we finally see the green sprouting through. Doing this every year we have a good idea when we are planting how it will turn out, but there is still those few days that we might wonder.
We took the chance to have a family tractor drive this week while we were planting (and while grandpa was leveling the other, other field…). I really should have taken a picture of us in there. You will just have to picture for a minute- The Rancher is driving and I am in the “instructor’s” seat (because I really am the boss, right?!). The dog is crammed in the corner and our kids are moving from side to side (and under dad’s legs) playing with their tractors. Of course there is an awesome pile of dirt and dust on the floor to play in, not to mention the seed that The Rancher’s Sidekick grabbed from the drill. It’s likely that if someone spilled some water in there, something would start sprouting!
I’m sure we are a silly, squishy, filthy looking bunch, but I don’t know if you could find a happier bunch!
10 Reasons Why I Choose to Raise my Family on the Ranch
5 March Highlights We Missed
I can’t believe that its April. March just started, how can it be over?! The saddest part about this month flying by so fast is that there was so much I wanted to share that I didn’t. So here are 5 ranch highlights we missed!
1. We got a new silencer chute! This chute is so quiet, so smooth, and so much safer. No one will get conked on the head or hands pinched. We won’t be bruising shoulders on the calves that we are selling. We won’t choke down the cows and they won’t come crawling through. Ya, we are really excited! Its like Christmas for these cowboys!
2. With spring upon us, we are gearing up for planting. I batted my eyes just right and convinced The Rancher to take us with him to by the new seed. Getting seed is pretty uneventful really, (unless you are a little boy and then its awesome!) but it was a great way to have a day on the town. It was still a ranch day on the town, not like a fun-shopping-at-the-mall day on the town. But I think I would rather hit up CAL Ranch than the mall anyway… So on top of getting the seed, we grabbed a few parts, terrorized a few tractor stores and had a shopping spree at the vet clinic. Still not terribly exciting, but I got a cool picture I wanted to share!
3. We bought a new little mare! The Rancher’s Sidekick has started to call my old horse his. I find myself horseless… So we bought me a new one. She ten and hasn’t hardly been ridden… but she is gentle. I don’t think she even knows how to buck. The Rancher commented that she has no gas, no steering and no manners, but other than that its all good. Slowly we are learning things and I’m excited! We’ll see what summer brings!
4. While we were in Leadore for the bull sale, we spent some time at the ranch that my brother runs. Its fun to go back there because that’s where The Rancher and I met. And where we worked when we were first married. We jumped in the new side-by-side and took a spin around the ranch, guided by my nieces (ages 9 and 7…). And by guided I mean they gave us the low down on EVERYTHING on the ranch. Gotta love cute little ranch girls!
5. Our neighbor needed help branding and of course, being the good neighbors we are, we jumped in to help. There weren’t too many calves to do, so at the end of the day I took a chance to rope! I got on The Rancher’s trusty mare and roped myself a few calves. I’m a real cowgirl now! One of the calves I roped was already branded… but it still counts as a catch, right? I have a whole new appreciation for ropers- its so much harder to do than it looks!
There are still hundreds of pictures and stories to go along that I haven’t shared. Maybe we will have a slow day (ya right!) and we can do a throwback day! Until then, this will have to suffice!
Tagging Calves With The Rancher
How to Fertility and Disease Test Bulls
Sweet and Sour Meatballs
Start with the bacon, toast, and onion. I go for a chunkier meatball, so I don’t worry about getting it all so finely chopped up. But you do what you want! I just toast a few slices of bread and chop them up rather than buying breadcrumbs. It’s my way of making good use of the ends that nobody wants to eat!
Once these are diced, you’re ready to throw it all in together. Yep all of it!
When everything has been evenly mixed, its time to roll them into meatballs. I go for a golf ball size, but they all vary. I have big cowboys and little cowboys, so it all works out! Place them in a 9×13 baking dish, spacing about 1” apart.
I sprinkled a little parsley on top for just a bit of extra flavor.
Cover it up and throw those babies in the oven!
Let ‘em cook for 20-25 minutes at 400 degrees. You know their ready when the house is smelled with a tantalizing aroma that you can’t hardly stand!
Oh… and when they aren’t pink in the middle (that’s probably a better rule to follow!)
Next step- EAT! And share… We had friends over to dinner and was perfect to fill those boys up!
½ cup vinegar
To the Leadore Angus Ranch Bull Sale
A Little Fun WIth Some Fuzzy Chicks
Oh what a terrific few days we have had here! The sun is shining like it belongs! No cloudiness, no showers, yes wind… but we can put up with it. I have been out getting my little vegetable patch all ready to plant (a second little garden plot… because one garden is never enough!). Yes, I don’t plan to plant for a while, but I will be ready when its time!
Sunshine, gardening- this can only mean one thing… SPRING IS HERE! I am acutally having mixed feelings about spring. Don’t get me wrong, I love spring. Love it! I have been cooped up with my kids in this house for far too long. But there is so much work to still get done in the house (I can never keep up with these mess makers!) and all I want to do is go outside. I’m in a dilemma- either I feel guilty when I am outside because there is housework to be done, or I am sad because I am inside NOT enjoying the sun.
I just go outside anyways!
Spending time on the ranch is precious and we never get tired of it. We hang out with The Rancher, we visit the horses and the milk cow. The Rancher’s Sidekick and I practice our roping on the grouchy, white dog (I’m the mom that roped the dog first… I probably shouldn’t be setting such a terrible example). And now we have a few extras friends to visit…
The fuzzy chicks!
Definitely another sign that spring is here! We have had these fellas for a while, but I have just neglected to share them with you. My bad!
On one of my grocery runs I convinced The Rancher to come along and that instantly turned my grocery trip into a ranch trip (no complaints here, though!). At the top of his list was picking up the new chicks at Ward Feed, our local feed store. We got there to find 20 little yellow, fuzzy chicks waiting for us!
The Rancher’s Sidekick was so excited for the little buggers! He insisted on carrying them, but I didn’t think his somewhat careless stroll to the truck would be a very good way to start his relationship with them. We comprimised by mom carrying the chicks and letting them sit by him.
All the way home we had a whole string of lovely “cheeps” from the backseat. The chicks peeped a little too…
Once we got home, the kids couldn’t wait to get the chicks out and play! I’ll admit, I’m not so brave with chickens (oh, ya… you know that already!) and so I only admired, not touched. But my kids were all over it. Maybe it was a little too much loving, but still loving indeed!
Happy spring from a few ranchers that like to pick up chicks!
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